Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Harlestone Road SDA Church



ADRA Annual Appeal 2021


The ADRA Annual Appeal 2021 has begun. Until Sabbath 10/04/21 we would like to encourage you to donate online to support ADRAs work. Although no door-to-door collections are possible (due to Covid-19 restrictions) please let the Harlestone Road ADRA team know if you would like to donate online or if have a home tin you would like banked.

A full list of ADRA's work and this years campaign can be found online at:
You can donate online at:

Your Harlestone Road ADRA coordinators are: Emel Thomas, Maxine Crossley and Perpetua Rangaria.

Help ADRA provide Hope & Restoration today
As you are aware the 2020 ADRA Appeal in March/April did not get a chance to succeed due to the nationwide pandemic lockdown. No door-to-door collections were allowed and with churches closed, all the normal fundraising for ADRA came to a sudden halt.
However, this month is the relaunch of the 2020 ADRA Appeal online! We hope that this digital relaunch will help us reach our annual goal to enable us to continue our work both overseas and here at home in the UK.
The digital relaunch will be as simple as sharing our e-tin with your church, friends and family via email, text, whatsapp or any other social media platform.
Please donate online today to help us reach our local and national ADRA target and to continue providing Hope & Restoration through our work both in the UK and overseas. Thank you for supporting our work!

If you have any queries or require online support with making a donate please get in contact with Emel or anyone in our ADRA team.

ADRA Virtual Gift Box Appeal 2019
This year’s appeal will go children in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. There is still time to pack a gift box online. Please go to and fill a box (or two) to assist in rebuilding the lives of the children in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Each box cost ten pounds and the monies donated are sent though to the relevant countries to buy much-needed supplies for the children. ADRA-UK urgently needs your donations, please continue to support this appeal. You have until Sunday 17th November 2019 to make your annual contribution to the gift box appeal.
So far members at Harlestone Road have packed 12 boxes with the support of an ADRA agent. If you do not have access to the website please speak with a member of the ADRA team who can assist you with making a donation online.
ADRA Annual Appeal 2019 – You Can Change Lives
The ADRA Annual Appeal begins on Sabbath 30th March 2019. For two weeks (30/03/19 to 14/04/19) you can collect door-to-door in Northampton for humanitarian causes around the world. A full list of ADRA’s work and this years campaign can be found online at:

We will be promoting this appeal over the coming weeks and welcome your personal donations in the ADRA envelopes provided. Lets all aim to beat our total raised last year which was £1879.26.

If you have any ADRA donation tins at home please bring them in now and give them to our ADRA coordinators: Emel Thomas, Maxine Crossley and Perpetua Rangarira.
It’s Our ADRA!

ADRA Virtual Gift Box Appeal 2018

For 12 years ADRA-UK has run the gift box appeal distributing boxes for children in Madagascar, Zambia, Ghana, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Toga, Guyana and Rwanda. This year the ADRA gift box appeal is getting bigger and more sustainable. You can now pack an online gift box for £10 and the monies donates go directly to ADRA to source the gifts needed regionally/locally. For full details of how this annual appeal now operates please visit:

ADRA-UK urgently needs your donations, please continue to support this appeal. You have until Wednesday 14th November 2018 to make your annual contribution to the gift box appeal.

ADRA Annual Appeal 2018 – Because of You


This year’s appeal has now finished. The total count as of last week Sunday is: £1292.70.

Although this is below our usual collection target we know there are a few more tins yet to come in. If you have not done so already it is crucial that you bring in your collection and home tins in to the ADRA team. We must now finalise the accounts for this year.
All home tins, collection tins and gift donations should be given to our ADRA coordinators: Emel Thomas, Maxine Crossley and Perpetua Rangarira.
A full list of ADRA’s work and guidelines for this years campaign can be found online at:
Thanks for your support and commitmnent to ADRA Harlestone Road Church.

Kiziba Refugees Rwanda – ADRA Gift Box Appeal 2017

It is again that time of year when ADRA-UK is preparing for the Gift Box Appeal! For the past few years we have given these little boxes of joy to children who need them most around the world, and this year is no different! Ensure you return your fill box to the ADRA team in church by 07/10/17.


In partnership with the ADRA Rwanda office, we will be distributing gift boxes to children living in the Kiziba refugee camp. Unlike previous years you will be asked to fill your box for a predetermined age and child. This new system is to ensure that every child in the camp has a gift box.


The groupings are:

Ages   50 boxes  
    Girls Boys  
3 to 5   8 8  
6 to 11   11 10  
12 to 14   7 6 *  
Totals   26 24  

If you have any queries please speak to Emel or visit the ADRA website for guidance:

ADRA-UK :: to Pack. Please pack NEW items only. We have been in constant communication with the ADRA Rwanda office, and they have provided us with a list of items the …

Please ensure all filled boxes are returned to Emel Thomas, Perpetua Rangarira and Maxine Crossley by 07/10/17.

1) ADRA Annual Appeal 2017 Collection


A big thank you to all who collected and donated to this year’s ADRA 2017 Annual Appeal. Harlestone SDA Church individuals/family/friends/neighbours/colleagues raised a grand total of £1818.05.


Remember that you can always make donations throughout the year to the projects of ADRA online at:
ADRA-UK improves the lives of people throughout the world. We search out and work to eliminate deprivation, social injustice, and help those in need.


Latest News (13th October 2016)

Emergencies happen when you least expect them. 

When they happen, those who are affected, can lose everything overnight; their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. 

Often emergencies hit those who are the most vulnerable – those who are living in extreme poverty. As an active partner in the ADRA International network ADRA-UK provides financial assistance in emergency situations.

When disasters occur, ADRA-UK works to address the individual’s immediate need, and then helps larger communities to re-build and rehabilitate their future.

Help ADRA UK support those who have lost everything 

Thanks to all (both children and adults) who gave generously to over the past few weeks. We have a final ADRA 2016 collection total of £1553.94. All monies have been banked and paperwork is completed for administration. Over the coming weeks the ADRA Harlestone Road team will reseal collection tins and distribute so that you can have them as ‘home tins’ to save those coins throughout the year. A report on our churches contribution to ADRA will hopefully appear in an upcoming newsletter. If you require any further information please speak to Sis Emel Thomas, Sis Maxine Crossley and Sis Perpetua Rangaria. Further details on this years ADRA appeal can be found on: