As part of our ongoing Outreach in Northampton (Each One Reach One), we have now been able to become an official distribution point for Northampton Foodbank (run by Re:Store).
What is a Foodbank? ‘A Food Bank provides emergency packages for local families and individuals which include food and other essentials such as nappies, washing up liquid and shampoo’
How do I claim a food parcel? ‘You will need to visit one of the referral agencies around the town. A list of agencies can be found HERE‘
What might I receive in my parcel? ‘It depends if you are claiming for 1 person, 2 persons or a family of 4. Click the following images for more info:’
So since Monday 5th October 2016, we have opened the doors at Central Church, Highlands Ave, to those in need within our community. Soon we hope to be able to do the very same thing at Harlestone Road each Sabbath. In order for this to happen, we need help from our church family. This help can come in 1 of many ways:
1 – VOLUNTEERING – each Monday we need people to help setup the tables, assist any people that may come in and then help pack away again.
2 – DONATING FOOD – Each Sabbath, we encourage our church members to bring 1 or 2 items to church and place them in the donation box. This way we can continue to serve the needy within our community. Without your help, we will really struggle to continue. This week (1st – 6th November) we need the following items donating (but all donations are welcome):
Corned Beef, Squash, Sugar, Toilet Rolls, Crisps, Peanut Butter, Tinned Carrots, tinned mixed veg.
3 – DONATING FUNDS – if you would rather donate money to the cause, please put in an envelope and mark what it’s for. Or if you wish to make a donation via bank deposit please make it to:
Acc No. : 81989091
You can also donate online here.
Money will be used on things like storage containers, drinks and food to offer guests each Monday, etc etc.
4 – PRAYER – we are always in need of prayer. So even if you cannot help in any of the above ways, please keep us in your prayers, that God will direct this project and that we can continue to serve the community.