
Worship at Harlestone Road
The Order of Service will be updated each week as early as possible to relay upcoming worship information to all!
Due to last minute Order of Service changes, please expect there to be inconsistencies with the online version.
Please note - Access to our venue on Sabbath morning from 09:00 am to set up!
Notice Board

Support Ukraine
Vulnerable, lonely, in need
If anyone finds themselves in any of the above situations or categories please get in touch with the First Elder Murray Fuller for assistance.
Church Assistance
Dear members, I am writing to inform you know that a certain amount of funds has been put aside for any member or family who has found themselves in great difficulty during this C-19 pandemic.
A team has been set up to assess their circumstances and make a judgment as to how we can be of help to the various member or families.
Please accept that members who are in need from Harlestone Road should contact Bro: Moses or Murray Fuller.
If you are from Highlands you should contact Eder Onesamus or Tuckley twins.
If you are from NISDA please contact elder Yaw Frimpong.
Please note that the foodbank stock is specifically to supply the needs of the community only.
We cannot keep using the foodbank supply for our members when contingency plans have been made.
If a need is identified the four elders with the other nominated individuals will discuss it quickly to see how we can help.
We ask you to please follow these guidelines.
Thank you very much.
Elder Murray.
A team has been set up to assess their circumstances and make a judgment as to how we can be of help to the various member or families.
Please accept that members who are in need from Harlestone Road should contact Bro: Moses or Murray Fuller.
If you are from Highlands you should contact Eder Onesamus or Tuckley twins.
If you are from NISDA please contact elder Yaw Frimpong.
Please note that the foodbank stock is specifically to supply the needs of the community only.
We cannot keep using the foodbank supply for our members when contingency plans have been made.
If a need is identified the four elders with the other nominated individuals will discuss it quickly to see how we can help.
We ask you to please follow these guidelines.
Thank you very much.
Elder Murray.
Food Bank Appeal
The food bank is still going and support is still needed.
If you can give financially, please put it in an envelope and mark what it’s for. Or if you wish to make a donation via bank deposit please make it to:
Nat West Bank
Acc Name: North England Conference SDA Church Bank
Acc No. : 81989091
Acc No. : 81989091
Sort Code: 60-15-55
If you’d prefer to bring items, tinned or appropriately packaged that will be also appreciated.
Just bring it and we’ll make sure it is delivered.
Communications Team
Please send any information you need announcing to: harlestoneroadsda@gmail.com
Please view the posters under the Calendar page on the church website for upcoming events from the NEC.