Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Harlestone Road SDA Church



Hunger is not just a third world problem, right now in Northampton there are many people living on the edge of poverty and the Food Bank has been able to help 1000’s of households and families who have experienced some type of crisis.
We as a church work with Food Bank Northampton so support the unfortunate with food and other necessities so they can experience God’s love through us. Please click here to find out more.

ADRA exists to enable people to live life to the full, physically, socially and spiritually. We associate this fullness with the concept of well-being, ADRA’s long-term over-arching aim. In its most tangible forms individual well-being derives from access and opportunities in relation to education, health and sustainable livelihoods. They shape what is described as ADRA’s Well-being Triangle. ADRA’s intended programme outcomes focus on connecting the ‘edges of the well-being triangle’ through holistic programming and thematic advocacy, linking education with livelihoods in vocational education programs; linking nutrition and agriculture in maternal and child health. ADRA’s programmes aim to address equitable development for women, girls and minorities, whilst aiming to ensure protection for the most vulnerable.
Our church collects for ADRA every year in our annual appeal. Please click here to find out more.